26 Oct 2020
October 26, 2020

Francis Bacon’s “The Essays” 22

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you ready to continue running it going no coffee today you see we’re at 22 of cunning we take cunning for a sinister or crooked wisdom and certainly there’s a great difference between a cunning man and a wise man not only in point of honesty button point of ability maybe that can pack the cards it cannot play well so there are some that are good and it can’t in canvases and factions that are otherwise weak men again it is one thing to understand persons and another thing to understand matters for many are perfect and men’s humors that are not greatly capable of the real part of business which is the constitution of one that have studied men more than books some men are fitted for practice than for counsel and they are good but in their own alley turn them to new men and they have lost their aim so it was the old rule to know a fool from a wise man Matea emboss new dos ad Ignotus at the deadest send both naked to those who do not know and you will see dodging Slayers have sweets the saying to our stiffest one of the philosophers was asked what a wise men what a wise man deferred my fool he answered it’s in the both naked to those that know they’re not and you shall perceive it’s a funny idea the scares hold for them I’ll reread that sentence okay I’ll start you turnips new men and they have lost their aim so it’s the old rule to know a fool from a wise men the same dust scarce hold for them and because these cunning men are like haberdashers a dealer in a small if you learn small wares pertaining to dress such as tape thread ribbon etc a small wears it is not a miss to set forth their shop it is a point of cunning to wait upon him with whom you speak with your eye as the Jesuits give it in precept further be many wise men that have secret hearts and transparent countenances if this would be done with a demure a basing of your eye sometimes as a jilted Jesuits also do use another is when you have anything to obtain of present dispatch you entertain and amuse the party with whom you deal with some other discourse that he’d be not too much awake to make objections my new counselor and secretary that never came to Queen Elizabeth of England with bills to sign but he would always first put her into some discourse of a state as she bought the less mine to the bills the like surprise may be made by moving things when the party is in haste and can’t stay to consider advisedly of that is moved if a man would cross a business that he doubts some other would handsomely and effectively move let him pretend to wish it well move it himself in such sort as my foil at the breaking off in the midst of that one was about to say as if he took himself up breeds the greater appetite in him with whom he confer to no more and because it works better when anything seems to be gotten from you my question then if you offered yourself you may lay a bait for a question why shine another Vistage in countenance then you are want and to to the end to give occasion for the party to ask what the matter is of the change as in Hemnes did and I had no object before that time been sad before the king and things that are a tender and I’m pleasing it is good to break the ice so that terms been around for a long time by by some whose words are of less weight and to preserve the more weighty voice to come in as my chance so that he may be asked the question upon the other speech as narcosis did in relating to Claudius the marriage of Messalina and Sidious and things that a man would not be seen in himself it is a point of cunning to borrow the name of the world as to say the world says or there is a speech abroad many one that when he refer letter you would put that which was most material in the PostScript I said as if it had been a by matter in another but when he came to have a speech he would pass over it what that that he intended most and go forth and come back again speak of it as a had that he’d almost forgot some procure themselves to be surprised as such times that you dislike the party that would work upon will suddenly come upon them and to be found with a letter in their hand or doing some at which they are not accustomed to the end they may have to the end they may be opposed of those things which of themselves their desire stutter here’s a point of cunning to let follow those words in immense Oh name which would have another man learn and use and thereupon take advantage I knew too that four competitors for the secretaries place in Queen Elizabeth’s time and it kept good quarter between themselves and would confer one with another upon business and the one of them said that to be secretary but to be secretary in the declination of a monarchy was a ticklish thing and that he did not affect it the other straight caught up those words and discoursed with their verse of his friends that he had no reason to desire to be secretary in the declination of a monarchy the first man took hold of it and found means it was told the clean who care enough the declination of a monarchy took it so ill as she would never after hear the other suit there’s a cunning which when England call the toning of the cat in the pad which is and that which a man says to another he lays it as if another had set it to him and then to say we and to say truth it is not too easy when such a matter passed between two to make it appear from which of them it first moved and began there’s a way that some men have it is a way that some men have to glance and dart at others by just to find themselves by negatives as to say this I do not as Tigellinus did towards Boris sign-on develops best said in equivalent to town in Paris simpliciter Specter that he had not expectations from different quarters but looked simply to the safety of the Empire so having readiness so many tales and stories as there is nothing they would insinuate but they can wrap it into a tail which severa those to keep themselves more in guard and to make others carry it with more pleasure it is a good point of cunning for man to shape the answer he would have in his own words and propositions fourth makes the other party stick the less it is strange how long some men will lie in wait to speak somewhat they dust the desire to say and how far they will fetch and how many other matters they will be over to come near it it’s a thing of great patience but yet of much use a sudden bold and unexpected question that many times surprise in men and lay him open but to him having changed his name and walking in Pauls another suddenly came behind him and called him by his true name where at straight waist he looked back but these small wears and petty points of cunning are infinite and for a good deed to make a list of him for that nothing does more hurt in a state and that cunning men pass the wise but certainly some are hard that know the resorts and Falls of business that cannot sink into the main of it like a house that have convenient stairs and entries never if our room therefore you shall see therefore you shall see them find out pretty losses in the conclusion but there are no way is able to examine or debate matters in it commonly they take advantage of our inability and be thought widths of direction some bills rather upon abusing of others and as we now say putting tricks upon them met upon soundness of their own proceedings but Solomon says prudence adverted add grasses suus still toss directed add dose the prudent man works to a steps the fool turn decided to the seats well I think that’ll be it for today I probably won’t record anymore today I have to prepare for the game of D&D; that I’m hosting so if you enjoyed this please leave a like so I know maybe subscribe tell friends share and it can be great solo