so here is the part of the lab report where a lot of people lose a lot of points the bulk of the points that I’ve had to take off of lab reports definitely come from this okay so your data section would come next if you have a table a data table of some kind make sure that comes first your data table should have a title your data table title should tell somebody what is being shown even if they have no knowledge of it so if somebody has no idea what an enzyme is what catalase is and your table is showing how high the bubbles went then your title for your table should say something along the lines of B let’s take this out amount of reaction the amount showing the matter reaction the differences in reaction between catalase found in blah blah blah and blah measured by blah blah so hat what were your numbers so basically it’s like almost x-axis and y-axis what is going to be on your two axes right and what are you showing about those two things on your axes so one of your accesses should be your potato your carrot right your your liver your you’re hot you’re cold you’re so that should all be on one axis right and now you’re making reference to it in your title your other axis would be your numbers right what you actually measured so your title so it’s not saying like Oh measured in a test tube like that’s not your numbers that’s not what you got so don’t mistake what I mean when I write this so your data table title would take those two ideas and unify them into one title said anybody can read that data table title and be like oh okay so it’s showing me this all right so that’s that’s number one for your data section number two for your data section you’re looking for patterns in the data and in this particular instance we’re comparing room temperature to hot or cold we’re also comparing plants to animals or potatoes to carrots to liver so you can make note of patterns here that maybe you see do the two plants end up looking different from deliver do they look different from only one of the liver are they similar to one of the livers you can look at something like that and that’s something to make note of in your data section the amount of reaction with the potato seemed to match the room temperature liver the most right you can you can make a mention of something like that arm the and take out the word seemed you’d have to say seemed you could just say the amount was closest to this you could say all of them had the same reaction or these ones had the least reaction or something along those lines so you’re noting patterns and the data and you’re also reporting the data you’re reporting hey this is what happened the potato had the highest reaction and the livers had the lowest right that would be something to make note of if it was true that may not be the way your data came out so you have to look at your data and you have to be able to communicate what it says notice I have not answered why if you were to ask me why I have not answered that at all yet that’s because the Y is saved for your analysis section what does your data actually mean if your potato was the best reaction why would that be is there something the potato is exposed to in nature that leads it to needing to have arm more catalyst since then than an animal or a carrot was it the liver was the boiled liver the one that was best why would boiling be the best temperature what kind of conditions is liver normally exposed to was it the room temperature liver that did the best why what what kind of conditions would room would liver usually be exposed to what why would it make sense for room temperature liver to the best or was it frozen so you have to you have to explain why you know I can’t say what data you got you got your data it’s in front of you it’s in your notebook I don’t have it in front of me so I can’t tell you what to say I know what it should say you know but and I alluded to how you should tackle the question if your data says what it’s supposed to say I did allude to that but I’m not picking that specific thing so you need to narrow it down look at your data figure out what it is you need to explain okay and you might want to look at animals versus plants okay or you might want to look at potato versus carrot or maybe carrot versus liver or temperature one temperature versus another you might want to look at all those and some of them you might be able to get an explanation for others you probably don’t need to provide an explanation for and and again think about the conditions that those different things are exposed to normally why would it make sense for them to react the way they did compared to one another why would it make sense for carrot to react the way it did compared to liver for instance okay are there any bodily processes that would affect what’s going on here so all that that’s a lot it’s a lot to unpack that’s a lot to explain um and some of it even was like alluded to in your introduction as it should be because these are the questions you’re trying to answer so your analysis section could be two paragraphs easily could be one long paragraph it should not be four or five sentences I can tell you that um a lot of people just for whatever reason seem to struggle with the analysis and that’s the biggest part it’s the meat of this if every other section is three points the analysis is like six or eight the analysis is a big deal and then you’ve got your conclusion I’m just going to quickly go over that right you know what’s something that you could put here was there some type of error that occurred if there wasn’t then there wasn’t um but if you think there was one then definitely make a note of that and why did it affect your results again if there wasn’t really an error and nothing really affected your results then don’t make something up people do that don’t make something up for the conclusion I’ll try to make up an error it’s like you don’t have to do that if your data doesn’t seem to be affected by anything then don’t worry about it are there any outliers maybe you ran it a couple times or maybe you noticed a group because I know you guys have group data I think as well so if there’s an outlier with a group maybe that’s where an error did occur so maybe you could mention that maybe one group didn’t use peroxide maybe they use something else by accident you know like maybe there’s a reason why something happened so you look into that for your conclusion any further implications is there something you could do is there’s the efficiency of an enzyme could that have medical applications of some kind you know or maybe technology applications could could you develop some technology with with your results is there perhaps another thing you’d like to test with enzymes is there maybe another thing you’d like to test with the specific organisms we used or maybe are there other organisms you’d like to take a look at so those are all things you can propose as an alternative so you can see there’s definitely plenty you could put in the conclusion there’s still plenty of stuff that you can put in there yeah sometimes lab reports have an abstract as well I don’t worry about that they’re important I never had to do one in college but they are important but you don’t have to worry about that here so if you’re looking up lab reports and you see abstracts they are a thing they’re you know they’re they’re good to have but we’re not doing that for this okay so hopefully that helps you I included a lot of little nuggets between these lab report videos that I just made to help you be on the right path and you can always ask questions when we get back to school in a few days wah wah wah for now this is a mystery well signing off you guys have a good day