28 Jul 2020
July 28, 2020

Latinas In Tech

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Information obtained from the focus groups, Latina HIV prevention workers, community representatives, and a review of the literature highlighted the importance of making the intervention culturally congruent. We used a published adaptation framework (ADAPT-ITT)20 to guide a systematic process of selecting and then adapting SiSTA, an HIV risk reduction intervention for young African American women that is widely disseminated with CDC support,21 for use with Latina women.

During her time in the Supreme Court, Sotomayor has worked tirelessly to be a voice for women and ethnic minorities in criminal justice reform. With more than 30 years on our screens, Maria Elena Salinas is the longest running female news anchor on U.S. television, and is the first Latina to receive a Lifetime Achievement Emmy.

Against the background of Hillary Clinton’s defeat in the 2016 presidential race, it is hard to understand how one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world has never elected a woman to the White House. Other countries in the Western Hemisphere — Nicaragua, Panama, Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Costa Rica — have had women as presidents. Reflecting on the words of a Supreme Court justice and women’s path to political equality. Given small sample sizes, the results for Puerto Rican, Cuban, South American, and “other origin” Hispanic women are not statistically significant at a p value of 0.05.

“I saw a lot of Latina women working within the system, maybe married to someone from here, but without any opportunity to talk with others about the issues we face in the United States and Minnesota,” Martinez said. Betsy Williams has firsthand advice for parents on the fence about whether their adolescent children should be vaccinated for the common human papilloma virus , which can lead to six types of cancer. The study was funded through the Community Engaged Research Core of the Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research and was supported by the Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance. More than 90% of participants were recruited through community outreach efforts alone, and none of them had previously received regular mammography screenings.

Since 1979, the primary mission of the USHCC’s has been to identify business opportunities for Hispanic-owned businesses in the public and private sectors. In the past 30 years, the USHCC has been an advocate for the nation’s more than 2.5 million Hispanic-owned businesses. 48 scholarships have already been https://www.stewart.photography/utilizing-your-hot-mexican-girls-to-produce-more-money/ awarded and a total of 61 scholarships by the end of our current fiscal year 2008. MercadeoBrillante.com is dedicated to helping Hispanic entrepreneurs grow their businesses with cost-effective marketing and sales strategies. This wonderful site serves as a nation-wide director of Hispanic business owners.

Moreover, these statistics apply to Hispanics that have not recently migrated to the United States, implying that the American education system is not meeting the needs of Latino students as a population. The Institute for Women’s Policy Research shows in a study in 2008, that Latina immigrants residing in Phoenix, Northern Virginia, and Atlanta all have a lower high school completion rates when compared to their male Latino immigrant counterparts. Latinas also fall behind Latino immigrants in their likelihood to attend 1–4 years of college.

New policies such as the Affordable Care Act, or ACA, and other proposed policies such as immigration reform can greatly improve the lives of Latina women and their families. For example, under the ACA, around 4.9 million Latinas are receiving expanded preventive service coverage, and an estimated 4.6 million Latinas will gain access to affordable or subsidized health insurance, which may help close some of the health disparities Latina women face. In 2017, #LatinaGeeks designed the “Latinas Learn to Code” program to help bridge the gender gap in the tech programming industry by providing an introduction to the foundations of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript — the three building blocks of the web. The workshops have expanded to additional technical skills workshops like cloud computing, digital marketing, data analytics and more. In the last two years they have successfully built strong partnerships with tech companies like Microsoft, Intuit, Eset and others to encourage technology adoption within the community and increase the number of Latinas in technology-related careers.

My wife may not have a degree but she is a child care expert and is doing what she can to become more involved in education just to be with our son. I am always open to criticism on an article, however, if you’re going to hold such a strong opinion — you should read the full article.

News programs and news apps are designed to hook people into coming back for more. Bad news even it turns out to be wrong is a powerful hook that draws people back. Bad news increases the use of the apps and news program viewers which translates into more revenue for the bad news brokers.

The culturally sensitive editorial environment we provide showcases Latina achievements in all areas, including business, science, civic affairs, education, entertainment, sports, and the arts. We also offer technology tips and reviews, entertainment reviews, travel recommendations, investment guidance, beauty tips, food and drink recipes, automotive updates, and career advice—in summary, all of the things that impact the quality of life. Hispanic women are 40 percent more likely to be diagnosed with cervical cancer, and 20 percent more likely to die from cervical cancer, as compared to non-Hispanic white women. Hispanic women were also 30 percent less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer than non-Hispanic white women. Hispanic American men and women generally have lower cancer rates than the non-Hispanic white population.

We used community-based participatory research approaches to engage members of the ethnically diverse Latina community at all stages of the research. They participated in conceptualizing the study aims, adapting the HIV intervention materials, and developing assessment measures and recruitment strategies. The outreach workers were involved in identifying and selecting recruitment sites, conceptualizing recruitment strategies, developing culturally appropriate and appealing recruitment materials , and disseminating recruitment materials. A pay disparity persists even when data is controlled for occupation, geography and education level, she told the audience.

  • Hazen AL, Connelly CD, Soriano FI, Landsverk JA. Intimate partner violence and psychological functioning in Latina women.
  • Intimate partner sexual assault against women and associated victim substance use, suicidality, and risk factors for femicide.
  • Adverse health conditions and health risk behaviors associated with intimate partner violence–United States.
  • Rodriguez MA, Heilemann MV, Fielder E, Ang A, Nevarez F, Mangione CM. Intimate partner violence, depression, and PTSD among pregnant Latina women.
  • Intimate partner violence and women’s physical, mental, and social functioning.

Some of these influential women include Maria Jose Fletcher, Laura Zarate, Rosie Hidalgo, Olga Trujillo, Susan Reyna. While Latina women face a multitude of issues in immigrating into the United States, perhaps the most significant ones revolve around basic human rights. All too often, illegal Latina immigrants are unable to avoid human abuse because of lack of protection from the law.

Science And Engineering Bachelor’S Degrees Earned By Hispanic Women, By Field: 1995

Lessons learned through the cultural adaptation process by community agencies included the challenge—yet importance—of addressing the diverse languages, gender roles, and social norms prevalent among Latina women. We maintained the theoretical foundations of social cognitive theory,22 the theory of gender and power,23 and the core elements of the SiSTA intervention throughout the adaptation process from which AMIGAS emerged.

All estimates are nonseasonally adjusted because seasonal adjustment factors are not available for many of the demographic groups included in this report. The COVID-19 recession, barely three months old, has had a sharp and severe impact on the employment of American workers. This report focuses on how the downturn affected the employment of major demographic groups of workers. While many American workers are hopeful they will get their old jobs back, analysts are unsure of the depth of the recession and the shape of the recovery that may follow. Here are five facts about how the employment of American workers is being affected by the COVID-19 downturn.

In the Great Recession, immigrants lost jobs at a slightly slower pace than U.S.-born workers. Hispanic women have experienced a steeper decline in employment (‑21%) in the COVID-19 downturn than other women or men.

The study was also generously supported by Jeffrey Lurie, owner of the Philadelphia Eagles, and Philadelphia 76ers star player Joel Embiid, and co-managing partners Josh Harris and David Blitzer. E.J.W. is supported by the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, which supports the cancer immunology program at Penn. The media’s hypersexualization of Latina women has associated their accents with being sexy, which hypersexualizes an entire language.

Regardless of their level of education, white men benefit from approximately similar wage premiums—just above 20 percent. Alternatively, Hispanic women who receive a high school diploma experience a wage gap that is about 10 log points lower than Hispanic women who dropped out before graduating high school. In contrast, the benefit of some college is marginal in closing the wage gap, and the benefits of a bachelor’s degree are even smaller. In log points, the aggregation of the Hispanic woman penalty and the white man premium is equivalent to the total white-men-to-Hispanic-women gap, and their relative magnitudes can be used to calculate the percentage point contribution of each component to the aggregate gap.

The research team’s serological test utilized a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein receptor binding domain antigen and a modified ELISA protocol. Researchers used samples stored at the Penn Medicine Biobank collected from 834 people prior to the pandemic and 31 people who recovered from known Covid-19 infections to test the efficacy of their antibody test. The researchers also tested samples from 140 pregnant women collected before the pandemic.

Latina Workers Have To Work Nearly 11 Months Into 2019 To Be Paid The Same As White Non

“I Go Red for myself, my family and all Hispanic women,” Maricela proudly declares. For Hispanic and Latina women, cooking for family is an act of love that can involve unhealthy pork products and lard.