Wants You to be Stirred, Not Shaken…

Share This Article Facebook2Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Dating & Relationships, Questions and Answers Tagged in: ask the urban dater There are many factors that have contributed to an increase in people getting involved and signing up to a new stream of “Adult Dating” sites. Sites such as Marital Affair paved the way in the UK and US as early adopters of the niche, whilst bigger players such as Plenty Of fish have launched their arm of adult dating more recently. One of the biggest factors in this rise in interest is the media. Yet, in what ways has the media influenced people’s attitudes and opinions of adult dating? Let’s take a look. Literature With the exception of pornographic novels, the most illicit content in literature accessed by regular people in history was probably a fumble in the stables with the gardener. Authors have now become much braver in the content of their literature with the storylines becoming ever racier. This is partly due to changes of attitude in society and the popular demand for sex to play a leading role in such works. Tales of extramarital affairs and the sexually exciting lives of fictitious characters inspire people to get some of the action for themselves. Casual sex dating is emerging as the perfect way to live out fantasies that are largely derived from fiction. Newspapers The focus of the press was once on politics and world events. In many newspapers, the focus has changed to matters that interest the general public, such as celebrity lifestyles. The public love nothing more than reading about the complicated love and sex lives of those in the public eye.

With true life stories brought to their attention – no matter how exaggerated these stories are – many people feel an increased desire to liven up unique sex life and add a little variety. From member feedback on adult dating site, it’s apparent that almost 25% of their female members cite celebrity role models and their antics as a form of motivation to spark up unique sex lives. Film and television Television and films have also highlighted the more risqué and exciting aspects of other people’s sex lives, both real and fictional, and have subsequently inspired people to try out new things in the bedroom (not always unique). The Fifty Shades phenomena was a huge player in the sharp rises seen in sign ups to many of the biggest dating sites in the adult dating niche. The idea of trying out new things and experimenting in their sex lives led to many individuals seeking out other like-minded individuals to try these things, their very own Mr Grey if you like. It could also be argued that films and soap operas often glamorize affairs and make them seem like an exciting prospect. When this impression is given and people want to sample a taste of the excitement for themselves, finding out more about creating a casual encounter or two is just one measure they may take. Online media In the technological age that we are staying in today, much of the media activity takes place online. The majority of people can access the Internet in the comfort of their own home either using a laptop, A pc or a mobile device. Whereas people may once have struggled to access information about what is tangled up in adult dating, people that are curious can now find out more in private via the Internet. It’s this increased level of privacy and discretion that makes living out your fantasies online a never as daunting prospect. In the past decade, the number of people getting tangled up in adult dating has increased significantly and the media has played a large role in its popularity.

Each type of media has played its own role in influencing the way people perceive this type of dating and general attitudes to sex in society are also changing. Thankfully, for those of you reading this finding yourself thinking that adult dating is an appealing prospect you’re in luck. The medias increased interest and involvement means that there are more people like you in the world than ever before, so get out there and enjoy it. Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook11Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Sex Tagged in: adult dating, media, Online Dating, Sex, the media I just wanted to share this with our readers. The good folks at InReads penned us a pretty fabulous review for the Urban Dater. Because I’m a narcissist i wanted to share that with you and also make you all go check it out.

The Insider Trading Secrets for Online Dating

So read up on the article here, at this link. I think I might have to steal this content and use for my personal bio. =) So go read and enjoy.

Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook2Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: News We’ve all been in a somewhat similar situation – Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and we haven’t got a clue what to present our significant other with. Roses and a box of chocolates may have worked perfectly when the two of you were just dating. Now that you’re married, things are quite different, and February 14th is the time when many married couples find themselves in a pretty pickle and don’t have an idea what their partner is expecting from them. Since ensuring a romantic evening on what happens to be the most romantic day of the year is imperative, you want to come up with a thoughtful gift, one that will have your partner throwing their arms around you. Should you want to find out some of the techniques to achieve that, read on! Book a spa day and get pampered together Let’s be honest – who doesn’t like spending their day getting pampered like a king or a queen? Lazy days like these are perfect for those couples who work on a tight schedule and could use some relaxing and unwinding in the form of a couples’ massage, aromatherapy, pedicure, sauna, and facials. Although men will probably act as if they wouldn’t enjoy spa all that much once you suggest it, they’ll most certainly change their mind after a couple of spa services. Want to take things to the next level and make your spa day even more special?

in the place of staying in town, book a room in a hotel with a spa and spend the whole V-day away from home, just the two of you, relaxing and enjoying each other’s company. Ignite romance with sexy texts With all that romance in the air, Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to ignite passion in your partner. The simplest way to do it? Send some sexy texts to your spouse during the day and wait for their reply. Start sexting by sending a couple of cheeky texts. Then, try to gradually build up passion, revealing all sorts of sexy details they can expect later in the evening. Talk about your desires, hint at what you’re going to wear, and let the steamy exchange kindle his or her passion throughout the day. After a day of anticipation, your partner will surely be curious about what you have in store for them, and as soon as you get together, there’s no doubt that sparks will fly. Give that role-play thing a go Many of us have fantasies they’d like to try out with their partner – no shame in admitting that.

On the contrary, trying out new things is a great way to spice up your marriage, regardless of how long you two have been together. If you’ve always fantasized about engaging in role-playing, V-day is the perfect opportunity to find the courage and suggest this to your partner. If they’re into it, give it a go.slut-roulette review Get them and yourself something sexy to wear, book a hotel room where you’ll meet up, and check out some props you can use to ensure your and your partner’s pleasure. Of course, these are optional, and if you’d rather engage in some dirty talk without any extras, go for it. Your delivery doesn’t have to be Oscar-worthy to turn your partner on, and if they’re into role-playing, your options are pretty much endless. Have some fun between the sheets If role-playing isn’t exactly your thing or you’ve already tried it and are on the lookout for new techniques to spice things up in the bedroom, you will want to get some ‘toys’ you can use to play with your partner? These days, there’s a plethora of options waiting to be discovered. With so many electronic bedmates to choose from, you’re bound to find something that is to your liking.  If you dread the thought of having to enter a sex shop and pick something up in person, don’t sweat it! You can always order sex toys online and have them delivered to your doorstep discreetly. Ah, the beauty of staying in the digital age, right? Sing your heart out (literally) If you’re a bit old-fashioned and would rather take a more traditional route to winning your spouse’s heart, serenading them is not only sure to win it but to melt it as well.

Whether you choose to make it a solo act or gather your friends to help you out, singing your heart out is a heartfelt, genuine way to express your feelings, no matter how good you are at singing. If you manage to select the right song, choose the right timing, and maybe throw some instrumentals into the mix as a bonus, your loved one will surely find your performance delightful. Coming up with a Valentine’s Day surprise for your loved one is no easy task, especially if you tend to leave things to the last minute, which only makes it more difficult to put your ideas into action. Whether you choose to spend V-day having fun with your partner, spicing up your sex life, or simply relaxing and getting pampered, by being thoughtful and carefully planning every detail of your Valentine’s Day surprise, you’re sure to come up with a memorable gift that will sweep your spouse off their feet and ensure you have amazing time together on the most romantic of days.

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Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook5Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Date Ideas, Marriage Tagged in: gift ideas, marriage, valentines day A single detail matters on the first date. It goes without saying that, ideally, you two should feel comfortable and enjoy each other’s company. However, it can be pretty hard to do that, especially if the venue of your date doesn’t get you into the right mood. Choosing a place for your first rendezvous you are making a very important decision. According to the dating experts from, women size men up judging already from the venue the latter choose for the first date. Should you want to make a good impression on a woman and you don’t want to spoil the things from the start, consider the following lame ideas and, as an ad has it, don’t try this at home! A family event. Isn’t that too soon to introduce a girl you hardly know to your family? Your relatives will perceive her as your girlfriend, so awkward questions and situations are inevitable.

If you don’t want to make your date feel like on an audition, choose a neutral location. Your home. It’s definitely both bad and unsafe idea to spend initial date at your home. You’ll both feel like a fish out of water. Even if she is bold enough to agree to come to your place, she’ll be anxious and scared and you’ll be nervous because now she knows your address. Going out on a date with a person for the first time means new impressions and emotions, that is why the place where you hang out should be new for both of you. Double date. Bringing your date to dinner with your buddy and his girlfriend (or wife) who you know very well is not a good idea, too. It’s almost one hundred percent that you will indulge in recollection of past shared experiences making your date feel alien to your company. a loud club clubs are great to generally meet girls not to ask them out on a date there. Loud music and moving crowd do not create the atmosphere for a get-to-know-you conversation. Out with buddies.

Of course, there will be the time when you’ll introduce your date to your friends and you’ll hang out together. But the first date is about one-on-one communication. Additionally, you feel absolutely comfortable among your buddies but think how it is for your date to be in the company of new people. Crowded places. Another bad idea for a date venue is a crowded place such as a sporting event, concert, or festival. The fact that she might not be a fan of sports, a particular band, or some activities make the situation even worse. Museums Museums are too intellectual to be a good place for the first date. Spending two hours contemplating the works of art or ancient artifacts can’t be called a perfect date. You should look at each other, not at the exhibits. Going to the Movies Going to the movies means staring at a screen in the place of your date. What can make the matters even worse is a bad choice of the film. an extreme sport. Rope jumping or skydiving are great not on the first date. A girl wants to wear high heels and a smart dress to impress you and spend time with you in a relaxed atmosphere.

A picnic. Save a picnic idea for the further dates. The first date is about dressing sharp and acting gracefully. None of that will be possible on a picnic where only casual clothes will be the most appropriate option and eating with your hands will be inevitable.   Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook32Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Asides Tagged in: bad dates I see the summer romances in full bloom. Friends who were just asking me to introduce them to my friends are referencing to my lady or girl just weeks later. What the, you were just, what? Oh I get it, you we’re so lonely that you rushed right into a long-term relationship. Well good luck with that. When choosing a potential life partner, I strongly suggest taking your time to get acquainted with this other person. Take your time dating or courting and appreciate the sincerity that comes along with truly getting to know one another. Become familiar with this person before making it sexual is a VITAL STEP in this process. True intimacy is in the mind, well for those who are sipping what I’m pouring. You really can connect on a level unlike any you have previously experience when you again, take your time.

Beside, how many of us have rushed into a passionate, hot and heavy romance only to find out that the person you thought they were and the person they really are, are 2 completely different individuals. People are always pretending to be something they are not and when you rush in you can’t always see the writing on the wall. Demonstrate some self-control and genuinely want to know more about this person in a healthy context. Now let that sink in…. Those with younger children tend to rush right in too. Not sure why anyone would want to expose their child to a rotating door of potential partners.  And if you have a small child too, mine as well start picking out China. And the unfortunate sad truth is those couples split up months later or stay together and also make each other and everyone else around them, including the kids, miserable in the process. Why do people rush into relationships? When you rush in, you can confuse and complicate a situation that isn’t ideal for you and your life. Can you afford to waste your  time and energy with the wrong person? You can save yourself months of anguish and what if’s and why me’s if you would only take more time getting to know one another on an intimate, personal, divulging level BEFORE becoming sexual. Point blank, take it or leave it. That is the reality. Don’t settle for anything less, you deserve to be loved as greatly as you love. Instant connections are powerful, so is sexual attraction, but building a solid foundation for the rest of your life is essential for an exclusive, mutually loving, vitality filled, synergistic relationship with the right match for YOU.

Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook12Tweet0Pin21 Posted in: Dating & Relationships, For Men, For Women, Opinion, Relationships, Sex, Tips & Advice Tagged in: advice, Dating, love, Relationships, romance, San Diego, singles As a man, how could you not support your partner’s dreams? If you don’t, some dude name Dexter would. He’ll swoop right in and be that man she’s been wanting. You know, the man she asked you to be? Let’s keep it real. Being with an ambitious woman has its ups and downs. My girlfriend has long working hours, unlike my own schedule that is steady.

Sometimes she wakes up the night worrying about her baby business. Whenever the business is struggling, I’m struggling with her. But here’s the great part, she inspires me. It’s love worth cheering for. Before I met my girlfriend, I have always been told I was too picky. I had one toxic relationship and kept myself single up until the age of 34. I struggled with finding a beautiful woman around my own age, who valued the simple things in life and wouldn’t make herself a star on Social Media, by posting too many selfies and bikini pictures (unless she is a high paid model that will be rare). That’s the type of woman guys would want to take to the bedroom and not a person you’d like to take on a Euro trip or bring back home to mom. On top of that, my sister once tried to set me up with a good looking girl who seemed nice, but I looked at her Instagram and all I saw was a girl in a bikini asking for attention.

I held myself high and said no, that’s not my cup of tea. It was then that I met my amazing girlfriend. I marvel at everything she does. Because of her, I have a greater purpose in life. After all, a man only has a couple of responsibilities in his life anyhow. One of the few is to make his woman happy. I’ve been supporting her through her Kickstarter campaign. She makes book with simple love tickets that brings me back to what my Parents and Grandparents have been talking about all along. I’m really her biggest fan. So if you’re lucky enough like me and find outstanding woman you find any excuse to support her passions.

You support her the best way you can. I support her dreams and she supports mine. It’s really the only way a good relationship can work. Both people encouraging each other, through the good and hard times. What’s interesting is, she tells me that in the past relationships, she would always feel guilty talking about work and downplay it. This went on for years until she fell out of love. It makes sense to me because, at the beginning of most relationships, where the man is pursuing the woman, a man will say he will support her and says he is interested. But when the relationship is established, the real self comes out, and sometimes the real self is kinda selfish!! The real self is selfish is what I’m trying to say. And that will disappoint the woman and in turn, she will yearn for someone to support her. A woman doesn’t ask for you yourself to love her project as much as she does. I would never ask my woman to love my passions like basketball like how I adore it. But we all need some emotional support. I make a conscious effort in talking about her dreams, complimenting her, and helping to validate her goals. I try to convince her that sometimes it’s good to take a break, go for a jog, and do something refreshing even with deadlines approaching.

That’s my part. To ask her to pull back, take a break, and realize everything will fall into place. It’s not easy to convince your partner to slow down, but that’s what I’m there for, is to give her balance. Just a couple of sentences ago, I said that’s my part, I didn’t want to say it’s my job because I enjoy being there for her, and the rewards she’ll reap, makes it all worth it! At some point, you have to ask yourself: What do you give back for what you get? If you don’t support her, don’t expect her to support you.